
Just Share My Life Experience


Connect MySQL through Putty

how to connect mySQL server through Putty application.
To log into MySQL:
mysql -u root -pPassword

To show all databases:
show databases;

To use a database :
use database_name;

To drop a database:
drop database databaseName;

How to backup a MySql Database:
mysql -u root -pPassword databaseName > /root/name.sql
mysqldump -u username -pPassword databasename > /root/name.sql

Compress the .sql file with gzip:
gzip filename.sql

How to restore a MySql Database:
mysql -u root -pPassword databaseName < /root/name.sql

Nice Tips

Mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan UAC(User Account Control) from Windows 7/Vista with command line

UAC(User Account Control) sangatlah mengganggu, mengaktifkan UAC akan membuat popup warning untuk Control aplikasi pada setiap membuka sebuah file executable yang akan dapat membuat perubahan pada computer.
Ada banyak cara untuk mematikan user account control (UAC), salah satuna adalah dengan command line.


Bersikap Apa Adanya

Tanpa sadar banyak orang hidup dalam tekanan. Bukan karena beban terlalu berat, tau kekuatan tak memadai. Namun karena tidak mau berterus terang. Hidup dalam kepura-puraan tak memberikan kenyamanan. Bersikaplah apa adanya. Bila anda kesulitan, jangan tolak bantuan. Sikap terus terang membuka jalan bagi penerimaan orang lain. Persahabatan dan kerja sama membutuhkan satu hal yang sama; yaitu keakraban di antara orang-orang. Keakraban tercipta bila satu sama lain saling menerima. Sedangkan penerimaan yang tulus hanya terwujud dalam kejujuran dan sikap terus terang.


Basic Sending Packet with MulticastSocket for LAN

Basic Sending Packet with MulticastSocket for LAN..
I didn’t make this my self.. but, I modified the code to make it possible to do simple chat.. ^^
check this out.. hope it’s usefull..

Just Share My Life

I’m on Fire..

Enjoy My Life.. So Happy..
Do Work like Playing game.. Helping People to Grow their business..
Share my Knowledge..
It’s So Fun... Their very satisfied.. I’m Happy.. ^^

I want change and improve this site.. more and more.. looking my spare time.. although my spare time always booked.. wkwkwkwk HOSHHHH...


How to Fix Error 500, Server Error!

Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
09/23/10 15:10:03
Apache/2.2.0 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.1.2

PC Hardware

How to Remove Heatsink Processor Intel P4 (Socket 478)

How to remove heatsink processor intel pentium 4 (socket 478),
Step by step tutorial.....
wkwkwk this is old stuff..

hope usefully..

best regards, Yupi Sugianto, S.Kom

Windows XP

How to Install Apache ANT in Windows XP

What u need?
1. Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
2. Apache Ant Binary..

Adobe Flash

Awesome Flash #1

Awesome Flash Banner by Yupi Sugianto, S.Kom.. this one is my favorite.
almost all effect made with after effect...

click here 4 view full size
How do u think? ^_^

Windows XP

Repair Always Checking Disk when start up

cara supaya checkdisknya ilang
1. km pilih start -> Run
2. trus ketik ’cmd’ trus enter
3. lalu muncul windows hitam(command promt)
nah lalu ketik ’chkntfs /X C: D: E:’ tanpa tanda kutip. C D or E bisa diganti ama drive lain.. drive yang selalu di scan.
4. abis itu langsung restart kalo selesai
done: hope usefull ^_^

Yupi Sugianto..

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