
How to make FLV Streaming Video (MOST WANTED)

Hohoho.... This time I want share some of my Video Streaming knowledge.. this is will be very useful for you that want to be website developer..

This is features of the player.. : You can change the skin Easyly, Google Analystic, Adtonomy (Run Your Own Video Ads), supports three main functions: embed, link, and recommendations with viral plugins, The D-Related plugin allows you to load in list of the related clips in XML format, HD plugin implements an HD quality toggle in the controlbar, Rate plugin from RateItAll allows people to rate your videos within the body of the player, and many more...

you can use this JW Player.. user this script too.. and many more use this script.. but.. The player is licensed under a Creative Commons License. It allows you to use, modify and redistribute the script, but only for noncommercial purposes. Examples of commercial use include:

  • websites with any advertisements;
  • websites owned or operated by corporations;
  • websites designed to promote other products, such as a band or artist;
  • products (e.g. a CMS) that bundle LongTail products into its offering.

That Sucks... if you use the script under the license, you can view the "JW Player watermark" in your video and the link to the source

web in the right click menu item.... Oh noo.. it’s very annoying.. if you want to clear all of that.. you must buy that product..
- Single - 1 Website (?49),
- Double - 2 Websites (?79 - 19% savings!),
- Ten-Pack - 10 Websites (?99 - 80% savings!),
- Premium - 50 Websites (?149 - 94% savings!)

but, don’t worry.. YUPI HERE DUDE.. just read my site and maybe you like the advertise below and said thanks a lot to me.. You can get FREE from me.. No WATERMARK, and NO RIGHT CLICK LICENSE.. hahaha I has done manupulate the script.. maybe it sound like hacking.. ^_^ (?149 savings!) ckckkckckck..
but wait a minute.. If you want to use for corporate business, maybe you can think twice to use this pirate script from me, although this script will not seen like pirate... okay.. let’s start the Tutor...

put this script in you html or php code..
(Start copy from here)
<!-- Create the container of the object.. if you want to uses 2 or more video streaming, you must use different name of container and object -->
<div id="container"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>

<!-- import the javascript -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="./javascript/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

* player.swf is the main object to load the flv <- this file that I manupulate the script, if you can download from me. u can get all the fiture like licensed.
* 400 = width of the video frame and 300 = height

var object1 = new SWFObject(’./javascript/player.swf’,’mediaplayer’,’400’,’300’,’8’);
* if you want to use default skin just delete this row
* if you want change the skin.. just change the name of skin that you want, I just give some of skin, see the original site to download the skin (Free)

object1.addVariable("skin", "./skin/fashion.swf");
* the preview image... if you want to use preview image.. if don’t just delete this row

* the source of the video

// name of your container in div ID

there is some of the skin image :

or you can download more skin from

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Download FLV Converter ENJOY...

Best Regards,

Yupi Sugianto, S.Kom

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