
Just Share My Life Experience


The Cause And Effect Sutra Part 2

Just want to coloring the cause and effect Sutra in my spare time.. Maybe can be useful for next generation people..

The Buddha Speaks of : ’The Cause And Effect Sutra’


Reverse Numeral Algorithm in emacs C++

I got this from Minnesota... I take this question because I like Algorithm.. and like helping people.. just helped my bro.. from minnesota..
At First I write the code in Borland C++ until all question done. just need 1,5 hour. and then I translate that code into emacs C++ in linux..
I will give you and explain the source code.. check this out..


The Cause And Effect Sutra Part 1

The Buddha Speaks of : ’The Cause And Effect Sutra’


Akibat: Anda Menjadi Pejabat Pemerintahan pada Kehidupan sekarang.
Effect: Why are some people officials at present?