
Just Share My Life Experience

Just Share My Life

Yupi Get Ill - Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Demam berdarah dengue/DBD)

Friday 22th of Nov 08, 5 weeks ago.. when I wanna go to my office(I’m not freelancer in office time), I felt something wrong in my body.. but I still go to the office. at bus felt a bit fever... in the office.. so terrible, I got High Fever, constant Headaches and a bit job task at that day... I try to withstand in that condition..

Ginga Futsal Team

Ginga Win again vs AJAX team in Pondok Indah League

Waduh... Pulang Kerja langsung ke lapangan untuk ikut liga.. tidak 100% tenaga bisa dilimpahkan untuk pertandingan kali ini...

Ginga Menang 4-2 melawan AJAX team...
Ginga Squad yang datang kali ini adalah Renick(injury), Yupi, Yugi, Niko, Tommy, Gultom, Domez, Julius. dan 2 orang bintang tamu.. yaitu Nathan dan Steven Deker.. Pada Pertandingan kali ini Rigi, Surya, Gustama tidak datang..


Kehidupan kerja....(di Indonesia?)

Budaya Kerja di Indonesia memang patut dipertanyakan..
Tanya Kenapa??

Kehidupan kerja....(di Indonesia?)
Boss is not here:
Boss is calling:
In a meeting:
Tea break:
Before noon on weekend:
Ready for getting off work:
Tomorrow is a holiday: