
Just Share My Life Experience


CentOS 7 + SELinux + PHP + Apache – cannot write/access file although the directory already set permission 775

Problem 1: Can’t serve files on a custom directory

The first problem I have encountered is that I tried to setup the application inside /var/www/html/sites/mysite. When viewed on the browser, it says 403 Forbidden and error logs says:

13)Permission denied: [client] AH00529: /var/www/html/sites/mysite/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/var/www/html/sites/mysite/' is executable

The directory structure has proper ownership and permissions, ex: directory is owned by apache:apache, file permission is 0644 and directory permission is 0755. It doesn’t make sense at all. I noticed though that the default document root has no problem serving the php file so I decided to serve it off the /var/www/html/mysite directory, which is the default document root.

Problem 2: Can’t write to file

Moving to the default document root directory did the trick and I was able to run the application but with errors. The error says it can’t write to file although again, proper permissions are already set to the directory. Below is the error (it is a custom error log, but if writing to log file doesn’t work, imagine how your upload functionality would work):

PHP Warning:  fopen(/var/www/html/mysite/application/config/../../logs/web/20150708.ALL.log


Seminar tentang TB dan Gaya Hidup Sehat untuk Awam

Indonesia IMTC dan PT. AIO bekerjasama dengan PT. Senayan Trikarya Sempana menyelenggarakan Seminar mengenai Gaya Hidup Sehat dan Pencegahan Tuberkulosis kepada karyawan PT. Senayan Trikarya Sempana dan Fairmont Hotel. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, 18 Februari lalu di ruang pertemuan Apartemen Senayan Tower CD dan dihadiri sekitar 28 Peserta dan dibuka oleh Senior Manager HRD PT. STS Bapak Agustinus Hartono.   Pada kegiatan ini, sebagai pembicara dari PT. AIO Ibu Yulia Kusumawardani menjelaskan mengenai gaya hidup sehat dan bahaya dehidrasi di lingkungan kerja, kemudian dilanjutkan presentasi mengenai pencegahan TB oleh Dr. Yoesrianto Tahir dari Indonesia IMTC.

Cafe Review

Sumarecon Digital Center - Ayam Mercon Resto

lokasi: Sumarecon Digital Center
Upload Speed: 40Mbps
Download Speed: 67.1 Mbps

Price Range IDR 70.000,- - 100.000,- for 2 person.